In addition to monitoring standard technical and economic indicators pharmaceutical companies require the consideration of a large number of formal procedures related to patenting, and conducting clinical and preclinical trials of the products that are sold.
Unidata can be used as a basis for a system of quality control of pharmaceutical products with simultaneous solution of a number of other problems that arise in the management of a pharmaceutical enterprise
Solution features
Single platform
Creation of a single platform for data processing of suppliers of pharmaceuticals and materials for their production with the possibility of fixing the fact of the existence of the necessary rights, licenses and permits for the production of the supplied products. Account of the turnover
Ensuring the uniform account of the turnover of pharmaceutical preparations with the ability to generate analytical reports in the context of a country, region or separate enterprise on an arbitrary interval of time.
Creation of a database of pharmaceutical products including information about its composition, qualitative and price characteristics as well as the volume of production and supply by geographic zones with distribution by specific contractors (hospitals, pharmacies, warehouses, etc.)
Control system
Establishment of a control system for the turnover of alcohol-containing products and preparations containing narcotic and psychotropic substances, the turnover of which is limited and in respect of which control measures are established in accordance with the current legislation.
Single integration center
Creation of a single integration center both for new information systems planned for implementation at the enterprise (for example, ERP, CRM, SRM, etc.), and for existing ones in order to reduce labor costs for organizing information interaction between them.
Centralized data collection
Establishing of a single information space of the enterprise that allows centralized collection of all necessary data from all information systems of the enterprise with their subsequent generalization and elimination of repeated erroneous and outdated information.
All sorts of data
Ensuring the receipt of data published by government agencies in the enterprise information systems.
Automation of the process of receiving and updating data from directories created and regulated by government agencies.

Unidata Platform
The platform allows you to extend the functionality of the existing database and build complex systems.
Platform advantages
- Data management based on a company’s internal regulations
- Finding and merging duplicates
- Enrichment and consolidation
- Quality control and validation
- Centralized data management
- Data analysis and statistics
- Seamless integration with third-party information systems
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