Unidata is a multifunctional platform for building corporate data management systems that provide centralized data collection (inventory and resource accounting), standardization of information (normalization and enrichment), current and historical information accounting (record version control, data validity periods), data quality and maintaining statistics.

Unidata Master Data Management (MDM – Master Data Management) product is designed to manage the main data of an enterprise, combined into "gold records" from various sources, such as data on customers, counterparties, individuals, legal entities, contracts, material and technical resources, NSI and any other data that can be identified as basic. Thus, the company gets a single point of access to clean, harmonized and high-quality data.

Unidata Data Quality (DQ – Data Quality). A product for ensuring the data quality of the enterprise. It allows you to create quality management processes based on integrated indicators, business rules and metrics. It has the ability to intelligently analyze the quality, detect patterns or deviations. It allows you to apply the developed quality rules in external information systems. Data quality rules can be configured both at the level of meta-information about the data structure and at the level of business entities.