An effective model of transport enterprise management implies continuous monitoring of timely fuel-energy and technical support of the transport process. At the same time for some types of similar enterprises (underground, city tram and trolleybus administrations, railway transport enterprises) it may be necessary to organize monitoring of the state of the operated infrastructure.
Why Unidata?
Solutions for the centralized processing of reference data for the largest transport and logistics enterprises are developed, with an emphasis on quality control, process automation and the construction of a methodology for administering industry-specific information.
Solution features
Accounting for the main assets of the transport enterprises (vehicles, rolling stock, containers and cargo), as well as their configuration, current location and condition. Accomplishing repairs and maintenance planning. Accounting for spare parts and components, while maintaining contact details and counterparties details. Working with the regulations and the schedules of transport terminals, as well as the geographic points of cargo hubs.
Single information space
Establishing of a single information space of the enterprise that allows centralized collection of all necessary data from all information systems of the enterprise with their subsequent generalization and elimination of repeated erroneous and outdated information.
Automation of the process of receiving and updating data from directories created and regulated by government agencies. Ensuring the receipt of data published by government agencies in the enterprise information systems.
Single integration center
Creation of a single integration center both for new information systems planned for implementation at the enterprise (for example, ERP, CRM, SRM, etc.), and for existing ones in order to reduce labor costs for organizing information interaction between them.
Geographical independence
Ensuring the unity of the formation of plans and reports of the enterprise regardless of the geographical location of its structural units.

Unidata Platform
The platform allows you to extend the functionality of the existing database and build complex systems.
Platform advantages
- Data management based on a company’s internal regulations
- Finding and merging duplicates
- Enrichment and consolidation
- Quality control and validation
- Centralized data management
- Data analysis and statistics
- Seamless integration with third-party information systems
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