Working with contractors
The platform guarantees the transparency of the accepted solutions, and excludes the influence of personal factors in the formation of the organization’s policy, cost proposals and the selection of contractors for high-priority projects. This improves the quality of the relationships with our contractors and maintains the reputation of our organization.
Solution features
Сведения о контрагентах подвергаются очистке и обогащению
для дальнейшего использования во внутренних и внешних
информационных системах предприятия,
что помогает оперативно отслеживать изменения
и учитывать особенности выполнения сложных проектов со сторонними организациями
Solution features
Information about the contractors undergoes cleansing and enrichment for its further use in the internal and external information systems of the enterprise. This helps is to quickly track changes and to take into account the specifics of complex projects performed with third-party organizations.
Unified catalog
Unidata allows you to create a unified catalog of contractors and keep it up to date. Catalog is supplemented by the data coming from public and internal information systems.
Data management
You can manage any information related to the contractor relationship management segment, namely: To record current and historical information on the full name of the legal entity, its legal and actual address as well as the addresses of its branches. To keep records of affiliated organizations and individuals. To receive information about the founders (both legal entities and individuals).
Full info
You have full information about the assets and property of the organization, its credit history, the organization’s presence in all sorts of “blacklists”, history of relationships with specific contractors and other information that allows to significantly improve the quality of solutions taken by an individual partner or a group of partners.
Management decisions
The catalogue of contractors ensures you have access to high-quality, reliable and complete information about the suppliers and contractors, and provides information for you to make managerial decisions.
Data consolidation
Consolidated information of a huge array of disparate data coming from different sources: сorporate information systems (SRM, CRM, CPM, BPM, DWH, ERP, etc.) and public information systems owned by state structures.
Automating the processes of searching for duplicates and clearing information
Unidata Platform
The platform allows you to extend the functionality of the existing database and build complex systems.
Platform advantages
- Data management based on a company’s internal regulations
- Finding and merging duplicates
- Enrichment and consolidation
- Quality control and validation
- Centralized data management
- Data analysis and statistics
- Seamless integration with third-party information systems
Submit your application
The specialist will call you back or write to you within two hours on weekdays
By submitting your personal data in the fields of the application, you agree to its processing