Unidata has participated in the “State. Business. IT» summit
1 June 2018
At the conference organized by Tadviser with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia, representatives of both public authorities and private businesses took the floor. Special attention was traditionally focused on the topic of information technology in the public sector – there were many representatives of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Region Government, the Pension Fund, Sberbank, the Information Technology Department of Moscow, and many others.
At the summit Deputy General Director of Unidata Vladislav Kamensky has read a report on the methodology for implementing the data management platform in Federal projects.
It is fortunate that the speech of our representative elicited live audience feedback and allowed us to actively discuss the most pressing issues of the development of modern information systems in the service of Russian authorities.
Thank you all and see you soon!